Tuesday, March 28, 2006

January 21, 1994

Wow! I've had a week off of school! It has been great! I really miss Peter, though. I think he is probably better now. I went over to Lisa Thompson's house today. I really have to go now because I'm watching T.V.


January 17, 1994

Today I had off school because it iced up today. I hope Peter is feeling better. Did I mention that I play the flute? Well, I do. I am very good at it. Cristen and Aubry also play the flute. Suzanne Miller, Terre Jones, and Jennifer play the clarinet. Jenny Moore, Christine Coleman, and Stephen White play the saxaphone. Christi Pendarvis plays the baratone, Ryan N. and B.J. Burkett play the trumpet. Ryan S., Eddie Massello, and Evan R. play the drums. Mitch Tyler plays the drums in the advanced band. Gotta go. Bye!


January 15, 1994

Whoa! It's been a long time since I've written, but your lock got stuck. Happy new year!
Yes, I still love P.Z.
Jennifer and I call him Fruitcake so no one will understand us. Guess what?!!? Sara Zax tried to steal P.Z.!!!! Luckily, he didn't let her. Cristen Richardson told P.Z. that I liked him. I'm soooo mad!! Actually, it's pretty good because he keeps pecking me on the back, stopping to talk to me, etc. At the skating party after the one where Sara tried to steal M.A. from Jennifer, I had fun. During the couples skate, however, I sat down and sulked. (It was a slow skate alone, too)
Peter came up to me and tried to poke me in the eye. He was smiling. I smiled, too. He can always get me to smile.

But, I called him a jerk.
Now I feel like a jerk. I like him, I really do, but I don't know if he still likes me now that I've claled him a jerk.
Matthew is being a real jerk. He was trying to get me to pay him to keep the secret of P.Z.! The next day I refused to pay him, so he said he was going to tell everyone about P.Z. I said "see if I care" and he still hasnt' told anyone. Shows you can never underestimate the power of a girl! If he knows how to annoy you, he'll do it.
I went to the rodeo tonight. Aubry Furrow was there.
Anyway, I really hope Peter starts to feel better very soon. I really care and have feelings for him and I always try to be nice to everyone but sometimes I can't contain myself.
At the end of the year I'm going to send a letter to P.Z. asking if he likes me. Here is what it will look like:

Dear Peter,
Please answer this question because I've been wondering all year.
Do you like me?
Contact me at (I ain't putting this shit because it's still my parents' info and I don't want my mom and pops getting stalked by creeps...but it had my address and phone number).


Courtney C.

I really think he does like me, because if he really didn't like me he would just ignore me, but he CERTAINLY IS NOT doing that!!!
Well, I have to go now. Bye!

Thursday, March 16, 2006

September 20, 1993

Dear Diary,

I'm back again! I still like P.Z. In religion Mrs. Eggen made us books and we were supposed to write our names on them. We sat in a circle on the floor. We passed our books around the room and write compliments about each person.

Here is my book. [I had taken out my book and written, at some point in time, "Took out. Sorry!"]

I can't wait until my 10th birthday party in my brand new house! I will have a sleepover and invite 3 people. Probably Jenny, Sharli and ___?__. I will probably Trick or Treat in Steeplechase. It is very big, so I'll get lots of candy. Gotta Go!!!!!!


Tuesday, March 14, 2006

September 18, 1993

I hate everyone I've ever mentioned!!!! I HATE Evan B. He is a stuck-up nose-picker! My new luv is Peter Zuraw. (P.Z.) He has blond hair, blue eyes, and does his bangs swirvy with gel. Guess what? Not to brag, but I flirted with P.Z. and he flirted back! Jennifer is sure he likes me. I believe her. I want Justin Pendarvis but he's not half as cute as P.A. Too bad, not to brag, but J.P. is missing ALOT!!!!!

P.Z. has a vert annoying brother named Matthew, a little sister who is on my soccer team named Rachel, and an eighth-grade brother named Andrew. Matthew is in my grade. Mrs. Eggen is my favorite teacher. Oops! I'm off the wonderful subject of P.Z.! Wouldn't it be cool if they had a class called Peter Zuraw education? Jennifer has read some of this but don't worry, she won't tell anyone! (hopefully!)

(new page--headlined: continuation of Cutie!!!)

I just woke up. I forgot to tell you that I'm at Jennifer's! I spent the night. We wrote about P.Z. and Michel Andres Jennifer's luv. However, Sara Zax (S.Z.) is stealing him from Jennifer!!! He was even offering her french fries. The worst part, she took them!!! M.A. was talking to her. S.Z was showing off her skating at the skating party where all of this happened. And then when this song came on, S.Z. was shoving her boobs at M.A.!!! Poor Jennifer. I feel sorry for her.

We are on our way to church. I am a Catholic, but I like Sunday School at the Family Life Center. P.Z. is in 6B with Mr. Holtower. I wish he was in my 6th grade reading class, but he's too smart. I am in 5th grade. So's Jennifer. I think P.Z. is verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! At the skating party, he had his bangs down. He looked weird, but cute. We're almost at church, so I better wind this up. I will write sooon.


Novermber 12, 1992

We're off! We're on the bus to Monticello! Jennifer and I just started the club! I love J.P. sooo much! He's soooooo cute! Gotta go. See ya!

Thursday, March 09, 2006

November 4, 1992

Guess what? Jennifer and I started an I <3 you Justin Pendarvis club. We're going to Monticello for a field trip and we will bring our diaries and write about J.P. See ya later!


June 25, 1992

I saw Will and John today. Will and John slept for 3 hours! I slept at the farm. I had a good time!

Courtney Anne Campbell

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

March 14, 1992

I met two girls named Jewel and Nocoel. I played Mother may I, Fox + Rabbits, in the balls, and dogs with them. I went to the pet shop. One bird said hello! When I looked at the ferrets, they bit me! I played with Fergie (Irish Setter) and her owners Bob + Robin. Today was a good day.


Monday, March 06, 2006

November 3, 1991

Dear Diary, It's Courtney. Today was my birthday and 9 kids came. Fielding gave me a barbie. I really don't like barbies but I had to say something. I got this diary from Evan Berding and this pen you can set on any color you like. We busted two pinyatas. On the 1st one it was littlest to big witch wasn't fair. No one got me a dog. I really want a Shar-Pei. I'd name it Wrinkles. Jonathan from New Kids has a Shar-Pei named Nikko. This was a fair day.

Yours Truly,